Hidden in the small quaint town of Kutná Hora, two hours outside of Prague in the Czech Republic, lies an eery monument to human life. The UNESCO World Heritage Site, Sedlec Ossuary, is estimated to house the remains of 40,000 to 70,000 people covering over 3 centuries of lives.

The bones were assembled into their current designs in 1870 by woodcarver František Rint, at the request of the Schwarzenberg family, who were lords of the area.

family shield bones sedlec ossuary
The Schwarzenberg family shield made of bones in the Sedlec Ossuary.

More Information

What Sedlec Ossuary
Where Kutná Hora, Czech Republic
Cost CZK90 or $3.75
Stay Mango Hostel, Prague, Czech Republic – A nice clean hostel, great for socializing.
Notes Trains leave hourly from Prague’s central train station and take 1 hour. The cost of a round trip ticket is CZK209 or about $8.75. Be aware that there are two stations in town called Kutná Hora. The first where the train from Prague stops is about a 15 minute walk to the ossuary. You can also transfer to a local train to Kutná Hora Mēsto which is closer to the town center.