
Today marks 6 months since I began this crazy adventure I am on. I only just realized this when I was reviewing my budget to find I’ve spent $47.95 a day over the past 182 days. Hurray for being on target!

I have met wonderful locals and travelers alike, who’ve greeted me with kindness, friendship, and food! I’ve traveled to their places of worship, drunk with others until the sun came up, and shared quiet meals and good conversation. I’ve visited little street food carts and dined in fancy restaurants, eaten my fair share of curry and tried my hand at deep fried bugs, an unknown variety of seafood from a rural river in Thailand, and the best damn lamb in New Zealand.

There have been more heart-stopping thrills, super-late nights with newfound friends, unexpected adventures, and surprises than I could have ever expected. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to fully appreciate just how much these last months have changed me and shaped my future.

I am glad that I set my sights on a goal and achieved it. I saved up more money than I ever have in my life, quit a job I loved, and left my friends and family behind to get out and see the world.

And I’m only just getting started!